
Follow God’s Constitution to Lead a More Disciplined, Productive and Successful Life

25 March 2015
Follow God’s Constitution to Lead a More Disciplined, Productive and Successful Life © Al Habtoor Group


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Added 09:28 March 27 2015
It is sad to see that all that was ordained for the believers in the Book, has been conveniently marginalised by them; whilst those who choose to stay away from absolute submission to the One & Only, not only accepted the stated but have proceeded to artfully develop their life cycles and practices on Allah (s.w.t's) Constitution. This leads one to a very factual but hurting self experience. I've seen and noticed, that every time our creed inhabits an existence in the western world, we fully and unconditionally tend to follow the righteous regime. It is when we return to our domicile, that we tend to undertake a complete reversal of our habits and priorities. Why ?? Instead of cultivating positive changes we tend to slip back and forego all the positivities that we followed, ordained in the Constitution. Is it from the overbearing environment that exists back in our societies ? The Book very clearly orders a life style based upon discipline & order. The Salat is a clear example for those who wish to notice; the conversion of day to night and back to day, is a clear example of orbitary mannerism.... if only we could notice and appreciate the discipline of Nature.
shakil sadiq , Pakistan