
Arab world muted in its celebration of Muhammad Ali’s life

13 June 2016
Arab world muted in its celebration of Muhammad Ali’s life © APImages


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Added 04:33 June 13 2016
This is the best piece of writing I read on Muhammad Ali, the legend and the King. He was indeed a hero for all the people in the world. Not just a sports person. Am glad you raised the silence of his passing in the Arab world. I fail to see why the Arabs refused to take him for what he was. Could it be the fault of the editors, as you seem to suggest, or more to do with the Arab psyche of ignoring the non-Arab. I salute the King of Jordan for braving it to Louisville to pay his last respects. He may be half American but still what he did could be said to have absolved the Arabs to a little extent. Thank you
muktar , Nigeria

Added 02:28 June 13 2016
Thankyou for sharing this view. May we all work together for Peace and Connectedness